The Story

Just as each child brings something innately unique to a family, or each player brings an irreplaceable skill set to a team, the wines we created are truly deserving of their own label and recognition—thus became Bledsoe|McDaniels.

For many years now, both of us have been constantly intrigued by the beautiful wines coming out of the Willamette Valley, while simultaneously gaining a deep understanding of Syrah here in Walla Walla. While these two wines and valleys have obvious differences in the glass, as we dove deeper, we were constantly reminded of the undeniable similarities between the two—this entranced us.

Also, over the years, our relationship has grown tremendously and has long been more than an owner/employee situation and we began talking about how to solidify that level of trust. We both have a great passion for wine, are ultra-competitive to make only the best qualitative examples, and are willing to take risks and go off the beaten path to do so.